<p>I play piano,guitar,sports :tennis,golf &horseback riding</p>
<p>love writing,history &literature,but I am good at math too.and i also love reading.</p>
<p>how to make choice?</p>
<p>thanks=3=~plz help me~</p>
<p>I play piano,guitar,sports :tennis,golf &horseback riding</p>
<p>love writing,history &literature,but I am good at math too.and i also love reading.</p>
<p>how to make choice?</p>
<p>thanks=3=~plz help me~</p>
<p>slvestre - This is at least your third thread asking for help deciding between different schools . . . it’s time to do your own research! Go to the school websites, look on facebook, contact the admissions offices, and, if your questions are more specific than that, contact the department heads of the departments you have questions about. We are happy to help . . . but you have abundant resources available that will allow you to find out quite a bit about these schools on your own. I know, it would be wonderful if one of us could give you a magical answer . . . but we can’t.</p>
<p>If you are trying to decide between offers of admission, ask the schools for help. If you are trying to figure out where to apply next year, then, I have to admit, I don’t understand (or have much sympathy for) the rather desperate tone of your pleas for help. For students (and their families) still trying to sort out what they are going to do for school in September, next year’s application season seems very far away right now.</p>
<p>I’m going to agree. There’s plenty of information on the boards and asking the same information over and over again isn’t helpful. Use the search function and type in the name of one of the schools - read those posts, then start over and type in the name of the other school and read those posts.</p>
<p>It’s past April 10th so it’s not likely you’re still deciding from a March 10th acceptance. And if you happened to get off waitlists - then flip a coin. They’re both good schools.</p>
<p>If you’re starting from scratch, applications aren’t don’t start for the 2012-2013 admissions year until late next fall. Go to interviews, tour the campus, read the viewbooks. Then google the schools and look at their student created videos.</p>
<p>If you can’t do basic research on this subject – if you’re waiting for complete strangers to tell you what to do - then you’re not ready for boarding school and I suspect that’s going to show up in your application. The competition is very very tough.</p>
<p>Well,thanks for your reply~I have done many research of these schools but you know that all of them are really good.It is a kind of hard to make choice between those fantastic schools.I am sure that attend either of them is a good decision.But go to which of them is a big question for me.
Again,thanks for responding~</p>
<p>Slvestre - I don’t think the schools have anything to do with your situation (yet). You need to better define what it is that you want to do. Even if you are unable to come up with a primary interest, what are your top ones? My S had four majors and one minor interest. We actually only considered schools that could offer that combination. This has to come first. Before we got there (since he just wasn’t ready to do this early) we actually developed a list of non-academic criteria. For example, he wanted to have access to a major city but he did not want to go to a school located in a major city. After visiting some schools, he decided he wanted a small school. By going through these steps first, the list of schools that we ultimately considered was much more reasonable.</p>
<p>Slvestre - Clarify for us, please . . . have you yet been accepted to any of the schools you are inquiring about?</p>
<p>If not, you need to understand that the decision will not ultimately be yours to make. You can (and should) apply to several schools. The schools will then decide which (if any) of them wants you!</p>
<p>Haha LZ, i guess i know who u r.</p>
<p>r u from SSAT tieba?</p>