Keyboarding 101 vs Spelling

<p>I'm taking a college course on Keyboarding, but I can't spell at all. I rely heavily on spell checks to be able to spell words correctly. The class requires that I inevitably be able to type 40 words per minute without mistakes, and be able to format reports and letters in a proper way via Microsoft Office.</p>

<p>There's no hope for me spelling wise, so I was just wondering if I have a chance in hell of passing this class?</p>

<p>Generally typing speed is measured by your ability to transcribe a document. Either you’ll be given a piece of paper or have to copy something off the screen.</p>

<p>I find it’s a lot easier to type words I know how to spell, though, since your fingers start to learn the patterns for various words and how to type them. Words I’m unfamiliar with (or don’t know how to type) are the most difficult because I have to think about each letter one at a time instead of the word/syllable as a group.</p>

<p>There are college classes on keyboarding? What?</p>

<p>On a related note, it is never too late to strengthen your spelling skills. Simple things like carrying a pocket dictionary around and looking up words that you have no idea how to spell is a good start for improvement. Don’t write yourself off as having no hope.</p>

<p>Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing!</p>