killer science classes

<p>how hard is it to get A and B in UCLA science classes? I heard that even if you scored a 94 on an exam, you will get a B if there are like 10 other students who scored 100. Is this true? I am afraid to transfer into this pit of hell. I am thinking of UCD instead, even though LA is my dream school.</p>

<p>getting a B is very doable. getting an A requires you to be at the top of your game, but still doable if you work hard to get it. everything depends, so its really hard to say. almost all the science classes are curved, so what you get depends on what everyone else gets.</p>

<p>oh and generally no one gets 94's and 100's (points not percents) unless the test is out of 200 or something. especially in chem and physics. :D</p>

<p>dont goto UCD because you MIGHT get better grades. that place is such a drag. i visited my friends there over winter break and i couldnt wait to leave. :rolleyes:</p>


<p>I don't know about UCD but I do know of someone attending UCLA who took a bio class at UCSD in the summer and was surprised how much harder it was at UCSD than UCLA. This could well have been a one-off or related to a particular teacher but the point is, the sciences and engineering classes can be difficult and scored harshly at many of the UCs. This is one of the reasons why they're top-end schools.</p>

<p>VTECaddict is right... rarely does anyone receive 100 percent of all the points possible in a class. Just for example, I'm currently taking Chem 30C, and the average from our first midterm was a 50 and the high score was a 90, out of 100. (And just for completeness the low was a 7 and the st.d. was 20! How amazing is that?) Though, typically averages in science classes tend to be a bit higher in the 70-80 range and VERY rarely are they above that (unless you have Rubin for 30B... his exams were a piece of cake - averages were btwn 85-87 when I had him.) And usually, professors will call the average a B/B- for the curve though, sometimes you may have a nicer professor who will call it a B+.</p>

<p>I got slammed by the 20 series freshman year :(</p>

<p>Is the 20 series that bad?</p>

<p>Nope, I had Baugh though... he's HORRID. If it comes down to having him, don't take it. Opt for good profs like Scerri. The material itself is challenging but not that bad, especially if you've taken AP Chem (which I hadn't). Don't worry about it too much, but the fact that most of these kids are engineers, etc. makes it a bit tougher. I've taken the 20 series with Engineers and the Math 3 series/Physics 6 series with Pre-Meds, and I can safely say that it seems the competition (despite popular belief) is tougher in the Engineering series. This may not be true when comparing to a class like LS, though.</p>

<p>Gotta love the Chem 20 series... Much harder, in my opinion, than the Math 31 series, the LS 1 series and the Physics 1 series. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>The worst thing is that I found out I could take the 14 series instead... AFTER I HAD TAKEN 20A!!! GRRR... because the friggen DPR for my major hasn't been updated, maybe because there are like 5 of us :P</p>

<p>What exactly is your major jhype?</p>

<p>what's the 20 series?</p>

<p>I'm doubling in Atmospheric Science/Geography, but the one with all the science crap is Atmos Sci... don't worry if you've never heard of it, there's like 5 of us in the major...</p>