Kindly grade my essay. =]

<p>Hi everyone,
If you could spare the time, please grade my essay. I've timed myself. The essay prompt is "Can obstacles become advantages?"
Thank you in advance! I really appreciate your time.</p>

<pre><code> Dan was devastated. He had just been fired from his job at System Resources. However, Dan did not realize that life's obstacles are often opportunities to seek alternative paths to success. The troubles one encounters often turn out to be advatageous, as shown in the expereinces of Malcolm X and

<p>highest i can give is an 8. but this essay probably only merits a 7 ish.~ 6 ,…mmm too low. so 7~
u have no intro.
essay is too short.
ur first sentence already gave me a bad impression. ~~</p>

<p>6.5 </p>

<p>It would be a 12 with 2 more paragraphs with random SAT vocabulary words.</p>