<p>Does anyone have one? They got released real recently and look intriguing. </p>
<p>I just want to know some info on how they work/perform etc.</p>
<p>Additionally I guess they are single or dual 14.1 inch tablet screens that are meant to replace text books.</p>
<p>DO NOT get one. I was taken in at first as well, but most textbook manufacturers don’t support them, so you’d still have to buy the majority of your books. Besides, it’s basically an expensive iPad that only does one thing.</p>
<p>I’m intrigued by the Kno as well, but I’m going to wait until a) professional reviews for it are written and b) I know whether the textbooks I need for college will be supported before I get one.</p>
<p>I really hope it works out though. I can’t express how much I’d love one of these.</p>
<p>I’m interested in it as well. As for the textbooks, a lot are now available in pdf format, which can be used on the Kno.</p>