Know anything about the environmental program at Cal State Stanislaus?

<p>One of the college search newsletters we get (online) keeps referring to the Cal State Stanislaus environmental program. Does anyone know anything about it?</p>

<p>On the website, it discusses Environmental and Resource Studies under the Department of Anthropology and Geography. </p>

<p>There is also a Masters of Ecology and Sustainability under the Department of Biology, but not a specific undergrad major.</p>

<p>Anyone have any insight as to which department is more useful in the long run?</p>

<p>Someone looking at environmental issues at the Cal States should really take a trip up to Humboldt. At graduation the college of Natural Resources even has it's own separate time since there are so many kids graduating with degrees from the school of Nat. Res.</p>

<p>Thanks, I'll look into it. I'm sure that many schools have environmental programs, D asked me to look for the ones that have a really good program or something special,</p>