Kumon: love or hate?

<p>@ Acuraman93: It actually helps to already have a base for algebra. I think I got up to level E or F, and I did things that were very similar to the math we did in school up to 8th grade, up to Algebra 1. But, with kumon, it helps a lot to have a parent that understands high math, to be able to answer all your questions. because the instructors never seemed to do a good job with explanations, and there are a lot of tricky problems and concepts. It may have gotten better though, cause I stopped doing kumon around 2005 or 2006. And it probably depends on the kumon place.</p>

<p>I think its great for kids to do if they want to get ahead. The math I did in kumon got to be a lot harder than the math we did at school. Now that I think about it, it was sometimes even harder than the math I’m doing now in Precalculus (at the later levels). So it just makes the math at school seem like a piece of cake. My 6 year old brother is going to start kumon soon, because of how well it helped my sister and I. A lot of kids don’t like it cause it’s hard work, but w/e it’s their loss. </p>

<p>The only thing kumon didn’t help me with was Geometry, which was annoying. Maybe it was at a higher level or something… but that class was very hard for me because of it. I wasn’t used to not having kumon as a crutch, lol. But now I’m good </p>

<p>You don’t have to be asian to do it, too, lol.</p>

<p>My little brother (2nd grade) has been doing both the Math and the Reading Kumon for around 5 months. The reading looks like a downgraded SAT test. I think its helpful</p>