Lab Courses Vs. Independent Research

<p>Hi all!</p>

<p>I just had a question about how bioscience graduate programs view lab courses. At my undergrad school one of our requirements is that we complete 4 laboratory courses to graduate, however we may work on independent research for credit instead of taking individual courses. I just recently started working in a lab that I love and I think I'd like to use my research to fulfill this requirement rather than take a bunch of lab classes. Will graduate schools look at my lack of lab courses as weakness even though I'd be getting more time to work on my own research?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>No, it will be a huge benefit if you chose the research credits instead of lab. Only do it if you are positive you want to pursue a bioscience graduate program, though. I think medical schools want some lab credits, so you would be putting yourself in a tough spot should you change your mind later on.</p>