Lack of Extracurriculars Problem

Hi everyone,

I just made this account because I’m very worried about how my lack of extracurricular activities can stop me from getting into a more competitive college. I’m currently in the 11th grade. I want to go into the Engineering field (not exactly sure which specific area), hoping that I might have a chance gaining admission into Boston College.

Here are my extracurriculars:

9th grade:
-I participated in the NYSSMA (a New York music adjudication event. You basically play a piece on an instrument and a judge scores you) festival. I played a level 6 piece (the highest) and received a 96/100.
-I did distance track
-Altar Boy

10th grade
-In the summer before 10th grade I volunteered at a hospital for like 6hr/day, 5 days/week
-I took up JV tennis
-Altar Service

11th grade:
-This is very embarrassing: In the summer before 11th grade, I did almost nothing.
-Joined a newly formed chess club
-JV Tennis
-Altar Service


Have a great day,

Not bad. You should continue volunteering though. What are you doing this summer?

I applied to a Panera Bread and a local McDonald’s, and have yet to hear back from them. I’m also planning on taking a subject test for Math II and Physics. I also understand that extracurriculars aren’t everything, and that GPA and test scores are more important. Thank you for replying, ian1235.

I am currently working at HomeGoods (great chill place btw). I also play in a band and write short stories on Wattpad/Fictionpress. I even sometimes update my technology blog and give advice on new graphics cards, processors, etc.

These are all extracurricular activities. Believe it or not, there are many things you don’t realize that you may turn into an extracurricular activity.

I recommend volunteering at your local library or something; volunteering is always a great way to boost your college app.