Lacking a Creative Title, Top School Chances :)

<p>well he applied to penn SEAS ED which is very stats oriented. You didn't write anything so I assumed that you are applying to the college. By saying you "started the math club" do you mean that youare the president?</p>

<p>Um.... I hope you are female b/c boasting being a varsity tennis athlete if ur male... well pardon my french but its kind of a faggoty sport.</p>

<p>yes, I am the president of math club both years, and yes I am male, and no tennis is not a faggoty sport for males :)</p>

<p>Also, I'm probably going into Mathematics or Physics. If I declare my major, does that mean it'll be more "stats oriented" for places like Penn?</p>

<p>oooops I was signed in on my friend's acct :)</p>

<p>yea so that's why i knew about that oldass thread ;) even though im new :)</p>

<p>well. your numbers are beautiful, but ec's are eh. you're in the uc's though, that's for sure.</p>

<p>In everywhere but Princeton.</p>