Laptop Recommendation

Hello all!

I’m in the process of looking for a computer that is approved within my major but don’t know where to start. Does anyone have any suggestions or experience with computers for the IT program? I’d prefer to use a Windows computer because that is what I’m used to, but if a Mac will suit my needs better I will consider that as an option.

Here are the requirements:
Laptop or notebook computer
2.0 Ghz dual core processor or equivalent
2 Gigabyte (or more) RAM
120 GB Hard Drive
10 or 100Base-T (Ethernet) network jack
CD-RW or DVD +/- RW
802.11 b/g Wireless Network
Audio input and output capabilities
USB 2.0 Port


These specs don’t look right at all. Maybe if it were 2005, but unless you’re looking specifically at a Chromebook even the cheapest laptops on the market should come with 4GB RAM, Gigabit Ethernet, 802.11b/g/n (probably AC as well), and USB 3.0. Is this what the IT program is showing?

I would check out a couple of threads on the Parent’s forum for laptop specs. There are a lot of good pointers there. .

I was thinking the same. These specs are what the IT program is providing, both online and in paper handouts from Orientation.

I’ll check out the Parent’s forum for sure. Thank you for the suggestion!

I don’t think there’s anything that FSU has set really as a requirement anymore, especially given that tablets and hybrid/2-in-1 systems are hugely popular now. Those minimum specs sound very similar to what I was given back when I started at FSU as an undergrad in 2009 (and they were out of date then!).

Just get something that’s future proof. Spending $600-650 now compared to $300 for a much better system may save you down the line. One thing to check out that many people might not think of is clearance sales at places like Staples. I had my laptop die in grad school a few years ago and was able to pick up a $900 laptop on sale for under $500 because Staples wanted to get rid of it for the new models.

To be honest though, most college students would be able to do the majority of their work with just an iPad (or really any higher-end tablet) with a keyboard, or a higher-end Chromebook.

I’ve found this laptop for $500 that is probably a good base comparison. My only concern would be how the U-series (low power consumption, for better battery life) will hold up over time. Of course, the standard-bearer in college seems to be the Macbook line, if you’re willing to spend that kind of money.