<p>I'm actually a prospective Stanford engineering student but I think MIT's laptop recommendations were really helpful. I was looking through some of the laptops they recommended though and found they had Intel HD graphics 4000 instead of a dedicated graphics card. Is this really enough for AutoCAD/SolidWorks (looking to be a mech engineer)? If not could an awesome MIT student give me the benchmarks or what graphics card they are using?</p>
<p>Any MIT student/former student that used AutoCad with Intel HD graphics 4000? I’m sure there is at least one on this forum…please help. Or even future MIT students: what do you plan on getting?</p>
<p>I run an AMD Radeon HD 8770M graphics card and it works really well for me for SolidWorks and AutoCad. Rendering is really fast and the programs run really smoothly.</p>
<p>The only problem I’ve had is that I have to disable certain aspects when running Adobe progams, but that might just be a function of my laptop and not the card itself.</p>
<p>I run a Samsung machine and really like it. I’ve seen lots of other Course 2s with Lenovos as well.</p>
<p>Thanks. I guess the Lenovo yoga is out of the window then.</p>