Hey guys,
So, I’m going to be getting a new laptop for college, and I just wanted to know what sort of laptops would be recommended for engineering at USC (specifically, biomedical engineering). As in, what sort of tools will be needed for engineering at USC and what types of computers can best handle the load. I’d like to keep the price of the laptop under $1,300, and weight of the laptop really isn’t a huge issue for me. I’d like to do a little gaming (not too much of course) so I just wanted to know what your recommendations are.
In this day and age, anything decent will work. The general info here is relevant: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-southern-california/1784849-macbook-or-pc.html
I personally like MacBooks, but you can get a similar spec-ed laptop for less if you go PC.
If you prefer PC, stick with it.
If you prefer Mac, stick with it. If you encounter PC only software you can use lab computers or simply install bootcamp (free) and get Windows (~$70? unless you get a free academic license)
Most of the undergrads have Mac laptops, even in Engineering. The software packages are available for both Mac and PC, and you can download free versions from https://software.usc.edu (using your USC credentials) or buy highly subsidized software suite licenses from the USC Bookstore.
Agree with @psydent, get what you like and can afford. My CS student who is also a TA (for whatever that is worth, guess it means he is involved there) is PC, his room mate in CSBA is Mac. Of course my student takes apart and puts back together any machine that is in front of him whether it is PC or Mac
So whatever you get you will probably pimp it out over time with faster/bigger this or that. With a PC you would obviously get more bang for your dollar - check Costco online, they have some nice ones, even with SSD’s in that range which is a great feature and don’t forget backlit keyboard, a must for late nights in the dorm or around campus. Good luck!