Last Chancing

<p>I need a chance for UCLA, SD, Irvine, Davis, SB, SC, Riverside, and also Cal Poly SLO and SDSU
W GPA: 3.31
UW GPA: 2.68
UC GPA: 3.24
Not sure if any of these are correct, correct me if i’m wrong</p>

<p>Freshman Year
Algebra I: A C
English: A A
Debate: B A
Spanish: A B
Pathways/Heath & Safety: B B
PE: A A</p>

<p>Summer: Geometry: B B</p>

<p>Sophomore Year
English: A A
Spanish: B B
Algebra 2: C C
Biology Honors: B B
AP World History: C C
Tennis: A A</p>

<p>Summer: Chemistry: B B</p>

<p>Junior Year
Spanish: A A
AP Art History: A B
AP Chemisty/ TA: C P
AP US History: B B
Trig/Pre-cal: C C
AP Language: B B</p>

<p>Senior Schedule
AP Government
AP Statistics
AP Literature
AP Physics
Spanish 7/8 (4th year)
Elementary Calculus</p>

<p>SAT:1620 (CR:540, M:570, W:510) Retaking
SAT IIs: Math II: 580, US History 450 (Retaking Math II and Literature)
ACT: taking end of Oct</p>

<p>AP Tests
AP World History: 3
APLanguage: 3
AP US History: 2</p>

<p>Planned AP Tests
AP Government
AP Statistics
AP Literature
AP Physics</p>

Tennis (3 years)Co-Captain for JV Tennis 1 yr and 1yr of Varsity - 300hrs
Debate (1 year) - 220hrs
Key Club (3 years predicted) - 130hrs
CSF (2 semesters predicted)
Internship at Kron Communications (4 years) (Business related) - 416 hrs
Chinese Tutoring (8 years) - over 800 hrs</p>

<p>1st gen college
Low income
Family issues (Passing of both Grandfathers during junior year - made me drop AP Chemistry)
Single working parent - Dad is disabled and cannot work anymore
Sick and absent frequently during Sophomore year.</p>

<p>You have the scores for the low ones - and because of your circumstances, I'd say you'd get into Davis and Irvine. </p>

<p>You said you were sick and absent frequently during your Sophomore year, are you going to report this one the App? Because I missed weeks of my Junior year (and my grades went from A- average to B) due to sickness. Are you going to report that you were sick and this affected your grades? If advisable, I might do the same thing.</p>

<p>UC GPA really low, but if you do have those circumstances working for you, SD is worth a shot, although you'd have to retake the SAT/ACT. Irvine possible, Davis iffy. CP SLO, as long as you aren't majoring in engineering/architecture/business (even then, its not THAT hard) Write a sob story for your PS.</p>

Irvine possible, Davis iffy.


<p>they are the same in terms of admissions.</p>

<p>I'd say irvine, sb, and davis is a reach</p>

<p>I might put the sickness thing in my apps. I get sick really frequently and I usually go to school even when im sick, so it says a lot when I have to stay home from school due to sickness.</p>