Last-minute essay review

<p>Anyone care to give my two essays a quick read before I submit?</p>

<p>One is long (1.5k words), but I'm absolutely not shortening it at all. I go in-depth on an EC of mine that is not self-explanatory at all, and I barely scratch the surface of what I've done and how it's affected me.</p>

<p>The other is nice and short (500 words) and it quite a bit less serious than the first one.</p>

<p>Please post if interested, thanks! :)</p>

<p>I’ll read over it. If you have time could you quickly look over mine too?</p>

<p>yeah i’ll look over your essays if you could please look over mine.</p>

<p>yea ill check urs out</p>

<p>submitting to Harvard tomorrow, any last takers?</p>

<p>hey lolcats4
will you read my essay if i help you out with yours?? pm me if it’s a deal!</p>

<p>me .</p>

<p>I’ll show me mine if you show me yours. Okay…well I just now finished by essay (which is pretty…heavy) and I will be willing to read anyone’s who is willing to read mine. PM it to me and I’ll send you mine.</p>

<p>I’ll read it.</p>