Last Minute Fall 2010 Acceptance

<p>Talked to a few people who just got packets. I haven't gotten one and was wondering if all the last minute acceptances go out at once or if they're sort of random. Would an extra letter help me out? Anyone here of anyone else who got a last minute acceptance?</p>

<p>Some people get accepted in mid-August. I would probably be within the next two weeks.</p>

<p>Generally, but not always, if acceptances are coming out around now, they are coming out for the Spring 11 semester. It’s kind of complicated to get students in AOP and other welcoming things (ceremonies, move-in programs, etc) if they are accepted this late in the game.</p>

<p>Actually. I just got in! =D</p>


<p>Yay!!! :slight_smile: Hope you have a fantastic time at State!</p>