Late chance me!

Hey I know decisions are out soon but I just want to know if I actually have a shot. I go to a private boarding school in the Northeast, but I’m from TX.

ACT: 29 ( I sent it )
english = 32
math = 27
reading = 28
science = 29

race: mixed (white and arab-latina)

GPA: my school doesn’t report GPA but the only C I’ve gotten was in Advanced Chem during my sophomore year. The rest of my grades range in the B to A- range.


Enviro (4)
Psych (4)
Bio (4)
English Lit (5)
Gov (5)

Head tour guide at my school (3 yrs)
Head student ambassador (4 yrs)
Model UN (4 yrs)
300+ community service hours
4 year varsity swim (senior swim captain)

Summer: aside from working as a lifeguard, I attended law programs at Georgetown University and UT Austin. I also spent a summer in the Middle East documenting the difference in cultures and writing about how I wish to use my education to improve how certain cultures view women in the work force.

Intended major: politics & values (poly sci)

Your application seems really strong, but it’s hard to say for certain without a GPA. And regarless of whether your school reports one, GW will still be able to calculate one based upon your grades in each class. I don’t want to give false hope, having not seen a GPA, so I’m going to refrain from chancing. Sorry, but at least you don’t have to wait much longer…

Did you get in?

waitlisted :confused: