Late housing


I was accepted to gwu as a transfer and had secured housing back in July. I had to cancel housing thinking I would not be able to attend due to the price. The situation has changed and now I am able to go! Do you have any idea if I can still get housing?? The application is no longer up but there is no transfer student deadline like there is for others. I know this is way late but I’m very stressed and wondering if anyone has any thoughts. I emailed them but it is a Saturday so I’m not expecting much until Monday and am meanwhile freaking out

GWU requires that you live on campus so long as you’re not a 4th year senior. So while I can’t speak with firsthand information; If you’re not a senior, and if you’re still able to enroll for the fall, then you can get housing.

Just give the housing department a call. They have their own phone number to directly call them.

Yeah, I’d call Housing just like @gdubya said: 202-994-2552