Laundry service - yes or no?

Personally, I’d file this under “How lazy can you be?” rather than “Hints from Heloise.” Teen-aged boy stink will still seep through 3 layers of sheets. :slight_smile:

Our 2 kids boarded at the same large boarding school about 30 minutes from home. Many boarders used the laundry service, but plenty did not. I believe students have so many other things on their mind that they could care less whether their friends or dorm mates used the service or did their own. When our first when away he was on the laundry service. Our decision was mainly to not distract from academics because time is so precioius at his school. We hardly heard from him the first several weeks of his first year. We took this as a positive sign of independence. The next year we took him off the plan and we would meet weekly for dinner and laundry exchange–we would pick up dirty laundry and exchange with fresh. It assured us of a weekly meal together and it was a great way to stay in touch and meet his friends (who would frequently crash for a good meal). We implemented this same practice for our second child a few years later. It was great compromise, but of course only works for local boarders.

@skieurope - that is the TRUTH! If it can penetrate closet doors and pollute clean clothes hanging therein, the smell of “teen” spirit can easily pass through a couple layers of sheets. Not to mention the toxic sweat and oil leaching out of their skin at night.

No laundry service for GoatKid. She didn’t want it. Most girls in her dorm do their own laundry. The machines don’t use coins, you just swipe your card.

DD’s school’s laundry machine is almost automatic she says; put laundry and push button. Detergents are added automatically.

With DS involved in sports, clubs, and academy bands on top of all of the academic demands, getting the laundry service was alomost a necessity. Best decision we made even considering the cost.

We got DS laundry service at BS. That will be going away for college. He does laundry at home (sometimes) and some loads at school. Sent him with pods and quarters so he can do laundry if he needs something. Freshman year we wanted him to have time for exploring new opportunities. It is mixed at his school - many have laundry service but many don’t (no dress code school).

ChoatieKid had a grueling crew schedule (and the smell to match), but found that doing his own laundry improved his academics as it forced additional reading/study time during loads. He was surprised to find his college does all of his laundry and dry cleaning – our tax dollars at work.

Do some of the schools do sports laundry? I know a lot of colleges do. Can people list the schools that provide sports laundry in their experience?

I think most do. SPS does.

No. My child did his own laundry at home also. I think I will splurge on it for senior year.

DS school did uniforms but not practice clothing.

Choate does sports laundry, IIRC.

Mercersburg does sports and practice laundry.

SPS does sports and practice laundry.