"Law and Economics"

<p>For the "law and economics" crowd, and in a world where all schools admitted all applicants (i.e. if I could go anywhere I liked), would you still recommend Chicago, even over HYS?</p>

<p>(I was mildly chided for placing this in an already existing thread, so I figured I would make a new thread for it.)</p>

<p>Moi? It was supposed to be very mild chiding with a fair helping of good-natured teasing. My apologies if it came off the wrong way.</p>

<p>Okay, first up, Harvard.
<a href="http://www.law.harvard.edu/academics/courses/2005_06/electives-groups-seminars.php%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.law.harvard.edu/academics/courses/2005_06/electives-groups-seminars.php&lt;/a>
(Upper-level courses.)
H has a very healthy selection of law & econ courses. Some of them only skim over L&E (ex. analytical methods for lawyers); some are more about corporate law. There is:
-Behavioural Law & Economics
-Econ. Analysis of Law
-Econ. of Regulation & Antitrust
-International Econ. Law
-Law & Development
-Law & Economics (basic)
-Law, Economics, & Org. Research
-Legal History: the Political Economy of Market Capitalism
-Legal Policies, Econ. Policies, & the Middle Class
-Market Structure</p>

<p>Healthy amount of coursework. I believe that all of those were available during 2005-2006. Between required courses and stuff you should take for the bar, there's enough there to keep you entertained.</p>

<p>Next up, Yale.</p>

<p>They don't have any law & econ journals. If Harvard does not, you can easily start your own.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.yale.edu/bulletin/html/law/course.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.yale.edu/bulletin/html/law/course.html&lt;/a>
(Yale courses)</p>

<p>-Contract Innovation
-Econ. Insecurity & the Am. Family
-Law, Econ. & Organisation
-Legal & Econ. History of Enterprise
-Regulation of Risk
-Financial Institutions</p>

<p>Now, as much as I would tell anyone not to turn down Yale... if you really really want law & econ, go to Harvard instead. There just is not much there - and you would probably be learning about the scholarship coming from Harvard and Chicago.</p>

<p>There is also a very distinct "bend" to the courses. Slant. To the left. A bit. Traditionally, law & econ slants the other way - while extra viewpoints are fine and great and wonderful, read the course descriptions.</p>

<p>Thanks much. I've tried to send you a PM regarding more details, and hope to get in contact regarding my specific career goals.</p>

<p>Ack. I'll PM you my email address. I never clean that thing out. :p</p>

<p>For Law and Econ, Uchicago would easily be the best place to go, especially if you're very theoretical. </p>

<p>They have the best econ department in the nation and basically the 4th best law school as well.</p>

<p>Yale seems to offer a very "liberal" curriculum in more ways than one. Its pretty weak on economics and corporate law and more focused on areas like constitutional law.</p>

<p>The law and economics movement in the U.S. has since its inception been centered on the 7th Circuit (Judge Posner, in particular) and the University of Chicago Law School.</p>