Law & Education

<p>I'd like to attend law school someday, but I'm also very interested in education. I'm planning to do Teach for America or another teaching program before law school... but does anyone have any ideas for how I can merge law and education in my career? Thank you for your input!</p>

<p>Teach… law. :slight_smile: A lot of people who get a JD go into teaching law, eventually.</p>

<p>You could also teach and be a lawyer on the side. If you have, for example, a Biology major, teach 3 or 4 hours of biology at a local high school, then spend another 6 hours each day working on law cases. You might have to limit your caseload, but that won’t be a big deal with a second income.</p>

<p>Why limit yourself? If you like law and you want to teach, do both! :D</p>

<p>At our HS, we have 2 lawyer-teachers on staff, one in the history dept and the other in tech. Next year, each will teach a section of business, criminal and general law. The tech teacher also works as a lawyer at night handling traffic court.</p>

<p>You could also be a special ed lawyer, working for school districts or parents.</p>

<p>You could volunteer your time as a mock trial coach even if you don’t teach.</p>

<p>You could go into school admin, where a legal background could be very helpful.</p>