Hello, I had a quick question about the Lawrenceville essays. (My application is going through ssat.org)
I was checking over the essays and about submit them when I saw a little note that said I could not write school specific responses. I had wrote one response that was specific to Lawrenceville. But, Lawrenceville is the only school I am applying to through ssat.org. Is it okay? Do I have to re write it?
I would rewrite it because when they write something, that’s usually what they want to see. Unless its clear to them of your circumstances I would change it up.
@22louisl If I change wherever I put Lawrenceville to “your school” or “this school” would that be okay?
If that is the only Lawrenceville-specific thing you did, then go for it! If not, I would try to generalize why you want to go to boarding school, not just Lawrenceville.
If Lawrenceville is the only school you are applying to on the ssat portal, don’t worry about it. The note is to remind candidates that if they are applying to several schools, other schools will see them gush about a rival
@CaliMex Okay, thank you so much !!
That sounds awkward. What is the essay prompt?
I have a feeling it is the “why boarding school/indep school” prompt. Shouldn’t be a problem given Lawrenceville is the only school the OP is applying to on that portal.
Could be. It’s been several years since I applied, so I don’t have access to this year’s prompts.
Agree - keep it Lawrenceville if that is the only place you are applying. “Your school” sounds awkward, and defeats the purpose in your case (ie, it may be good for them to see you’re only applying to LV).