<p>I'm obsessed with l'ville. It's a PERFECT match for me!
But, it's 5 hours away. Yeah. My parents don't really want me going more than 3 hours away..... :(
Does anyone have any ideas of how i can persuade my parents to let me look?</p>
<p>I have a question about Lawrenceville admissions…okay so it says that you have to make an inquiry prior to dec. 1st and you can only make an inquiry through the SSAT website, I already took the SSSAT’s but I did not register for them online because I took them through another organization…Is anyone here familiar with Lawrenceville admissions???</p>
<p>How did you take the SSAT’s through another organization? Isn’t it only the SSAT organization that hosts it?
To inquire, follow the directions here: [The</a> Lawrenceville School - Admission: Inquire Online](<a href=“http://www.lawrenceville.org/admission/inquire_online.asp]The”>http://www.lawrenceville.org/admission/inquire_online.asp)</p>
<p>Ehphant, we have people here from California and Arizona, not to mention international students from everywhere. Tell your parents if this situation’s possible, yours is too, and for them to keep their eyes open to aspects more important than distance.</p>
<p>sorry that was not clear. I took the SSAT’s thru ABC, meaning that I never made my own personal account…I was wondering whether or not I HAD to make an account in order to simply inquire because I thought that creating an account for a test that I already took would be a bit excessive…</p>
<p>You can inquire without registering for the SSAT’s. To inquire, you’d have to make an account on the SSAT website. But I think you have to register for the SSAT’s to take the official test. I’m sorry, what’s ABC?</p>
<p>A Better Chance:
[A</a> Better Chance](<a href=“http://www.abetterchance.org/]A”>http://www.abetterchance.org/)</p>
<p>and thank you for your help</p>
<p>Anytime You should email the school and ask them about that! ABC should be able to send your score to Lawrenceville, and there should be no problem with Lawrenceville accepting that score. It was an official SSAT test taking, not a practice thing, right?</p>
<p>Thanks dapple I’m having the same problem because I’m taking it with a counselor.</p>
<p>Hi Dapple,
I am applying to Lawrenceville and I am very nervous. How do I study the right stuff for the SSAT’s? Where do I study? What are the interview questions like?</p>