Leadership Development Programs

<p>Hi everyone. I'm looking to obtain as much info about these kinds of programs (in Finance). Anyone who can shed some light? For instance as an Econ major am I out of the running? Also when do people start applying? Im looking for as much info as possible. Thanks as always.</p>

<p>There are TONS still accepting applications. It's called using the google or job board search button. I've been called for six within the past couple of weeks. They were not finance though...management trainee. Some start in January and some in July. Good luck!</p>

<p>Well I would be looking to start in July. When do people start applying for that? I ask because I'd like to pick my grades up for one more semester before I apply.</p>

<p>There are some out there that start in July. I've also applied for some in IT (which is what I'm getting my master's in and I'll graduate in June like you). I'm in a good mood now so I'll help you out. Tip: I found most of mine on indeed.com -> click advanced search -> use exact phrase [development program; leadership program] -> display 50 -> sorted by date -> and to check for new jobs each day, week, etc. use the dropdown age menu. Good luck!</p>