LEADS Scholars Program

<p>i've been invited to apply for the LEADS Scholars program but before i do i wanted to find out a little more information about it. </p>

<p>Is th LEADS program any good? </p>

<p>Does anyone recommend joining? </p>

<p>What exactly is the LEADS Scholars Program? </p>

<p>If i am only planning to go to UCF for two years (to finish my pre-reqs for pharmacy school) would you recommend me joining the LEADS program? What about the Burnetts Honors College?</p>

<p>Both LEAD and Honors are great. Honors carries more weight on campus, but LEAD is also great. If you’re looking to finish a lot of credits in 2 years, you should know that LEAD requires you to take a 2-credit course per semester.</p>

<p>LEAD is a phenomenal program, it really gives you a chance to meet people and get ahead at UCF. They are known for being friendly, social people and the training you receive in leadership is top-notch (even if leadership training doesn’t interest you it’s something that will help you throughout your time at UCF and beyond). One of the best things is having people you know on campus right away. Incoming freshmen are invited to go on a special retreat right before school starts, and–I can say from experience–everyone winds up having forty or fifty new friends before school even starts, which means your first day of class you already have people who you can hang out with, get lunch with, etc. I highly, highly recommend it.</p>