LECOM Early Acceptance Program

@livelifeokay , no experience yet, but based what I learned so far, I got an impression that they make a decision to interview (or not) based on the stats.

Once you are accepted into the program, at what point do you need to make a commitment?

hey guys
i got invited to the info session and i did my interview on feb 26. imma be honest i wasnā€™t really confident about my interview but in their email, it said that they let you know in 30 days so i still have a few days left.
how do you guys think you did on your interviews?

im going to elmhurst in illinois but im planning on doing the 3+4 track. what about you guys?

Did you find out if your in yet?
After the video, is it 4 weeks before the accept you or not? Anyone get rejected after video interview?

Iā€™m still waiting for the admission decisionā€¦ I interviewed almost a month ago.

@livelifeokayā€¦It took my DC about 7 weeks to get her acceptance (got it earlier this week). So hang in thereā€¦ they are still sending out acceptances.

We have received a provisional acceptance letter. We live in Illinois , trying to find the most reputable undergraduate college. May change college , looking to receive good merit scholarship as well. Any thoughts would be appreciated . Thanks

Do you know if you are only allowed to change between the three colleges you selected on your application?

No, I did the information session and he said that you arenā€™t limited to those three. As long as you choose an affiliated college, you are good.

Should I email LECOM after itā€™s been officially 30 days since the video interview? They said theyā€™d get back to me within 30 days and May 1st is around the cornerā€¦

@AS2021 , during LECOM information session have they mentioned whether they prefer to apply to LECOM or to feeders first? Does the order matter?

No, the order doesnā€™t matter because you apply to both separately. But I would still suggest applying to associate colleges first so that youā€™re already accepted into some in the event the interview is successful. Also, LECOMā€™s EAP application is pretty basic and doesnā€™t require a lot of time.

@AS2021 , the thing is that there are multiple feeders and if you are not accepted in one then you are accepted in another one. I think that being accepted to LECOM itself is the main thing and if you are then you will figure it our with the colleges - there are 100 of them ))).
ā€¦ unless acceptance to feeder(s) provides some sort of additional plus to LECOM, which it does not sound likeā€¦

Really curious about the statisticsā€¦ number of applications, spots, acceptance rateā€¦

Ya sameā€¦ itā€™s been exactly 30 days now and I havenā€™t received my decisionā€¦ should I send an email or like wait another week?

No, you are correct. Acceptance into any of the associate colleges has no effect on your LECOM decision. We were provided with a slide show copy after the information session with tons of statistics but I am unsure if I can post something like that. But it says that the seats available at the Erie location were 510 with affiliates making up 117 of the seats. The document also says that the percent accepted into the Class of 2024 was 5.4 % but I think that includes both EAP and regular applications.

thank you for your reply! I am pretty sure 5.4% acceptance applies to regular applicantsā€¦ The statistics I came across was 705 spots total and 11K applications (like 6% admission rate).
Just PMed you.

@livelifeokay , how do you know that LECOM has 100 spots for EAP? Is it something they shared during information session?

Over 100! Yes they shared that. I emailed someone and he said they will be getting back to us this week.

@livelifeokay , fingers crossed for you! Sounds like they have a lot of spots for EAP applicants and you should get in.
Did they share how many applications they get for this program, how many they interview, etcā€¦ ?