<p>i love ur post man lol i have same questions as u even though no one seems to answer them, i've been in search for best cr book and no one really answerd, all answers are really different so i decided get college board blue book, rip off collegeboard on their online course and every barron book on each section of sat, so i'm starting to think there isn't really a great book its all just practice, as for the vocab i still don't kno which is best to use or how to memorize it and acttually remamber it for the test date as opposed to remambering it for only like 2 days.</p>
<p>dude the thing about CR is that you don't need to use a fancy prep book, just read magazines and newspapers and online **** and you will get all the reading practice you need. as for vocab lists, just hit up google for SAT vocab lists and you will find all the words you ever wanted</p>
<p>okay thanks for the advice</p>
<p>ya, i guess ur right. Just spend most of your time taking and scrutinizing practice tests from the blue book and have one guide book like underground guide to sat or barrons. SO what's ur intended study plan now?</p>
<p>id start off with sparknotes 250, then go on... Vocab isnt as important as Reading comprehension skills.</p>
<p>ya thats wut i was actually doing started off with 250 sparknotes meomrizing 10 wrods per day, taking sat in may, 1000 word list studdy in summer, practice test and testmasters course and take retake sat in like septermeber or october</p>
<p>im planning to get a 2200+ this may and not having to retake..</p>
<p>How come I don't see any Testmasters course in my area (Washington DC)?</p>
<p>Plz guys u r killing me here,</p>
<p>About 70% of the CR score comes from Reading Comprehension, not vocabulary. So vocab will not be an efficacious method of significant score increase. The only way to make significant increases in the CR score is by improving the reading comprehension.</p>
<p>When you practice SAT reading passages, focus on getting the main idea. In fact a majority of the questions are really just re-asking the main idea. In fact, if you are trying to decide between 2 answer choices, you should always go with the one that is closest to the main idea (Obviously, the "... most nearly means" will not follow this pattern), but many of the "specific details" questions will relate directly to the main idea.</p>
<p>Stop buying into this vocab = higher CR score. Its never been true, and the only reason prep books have pages of vocab is that those pages are easy to write, and a fatter(sp?) book sells better than a thinner one.</p>
<p>When I would work with students who took the PR course, the first thing I would do is reorient them on CR and their scores would invariably jump, because there are more questions, and more questions equals more points.</p>
<p>but vocab can raise yout score alot. They should not be neglected.</p>
<p>Vocab matters, no doubt, but allocate your time appropriately. If most of the test does not concern the concept of "slope" would you spend 10 hours reviewing it? Most people spend way too much time on vocab and not enough on reading comprehension, including test prep companies.</p>
<p>Anyway, I have to go tutor. I stand by my students results, and we do very little vocab.</p>