Legacy money

<p>I was told ny the Alumni Association that I did not "qualify" for any Legacy scholarship. However, does anyone know what is needed to qualify for money from that organization (and I do not just mean having a parent, etc., as an alumni)?</p>

<p>I never heard of a legacy scholarship, but I'm definitely interested! Where can I find more information about it?</p>

<p>Legacy</a> Admission | University of Miami</p>

<p>That page is for legacy admission; not a scholarship.</p>

<p>No, I spoke with the Legacy Admission Counselor listed on that web page. Legacy "Admission" is just when the the Alumni Association gives scholarship money to admitted students who "qualify".</p>

<p>Nope, not according to the website. Maybe it's both? I got a deans scholarship, but I deserved it and also had the minimum requirements for the university scholarship.</p>

<p>Forget about the web site, I talked to the actual Legacy Admission Counselor listed on the web site. The Alumni Association gives out $ to admitted students that meet two requirments (1 - the student is a "legacy"; and 2 - High - GPA/SAT/ACT).</p>

<p>Would it be in the form of typical university scholarships?</p>

<p>Hi. My oldest son applied regular admission and did not receive the Legacy Scholarship. However, all Legacy applicants are automatically candidates if they qualify for financial aid.
[Legacy</a> Programs](<a href=“http://www6.miami.edu/alumni/umaa/legacy.htm]Legacy”>http://www6.miami.edu/alumni/umaa/legacy.htm)<br>
The Alumni association awards the legacy scholarships through the Legacy Program. My son’s freshman year there were three recipients at the Legacy reception. Legacy candidates at UM are treated VERY well. From the website:
UM Alumni Association Legacy Scholarship</p>

<p>Eligibility for the Legacy Scholarship is automatic for any legacy student who applies for admission and qualifies for financial aid. </p>

<p>My youngest son was accepted this week and I’m curious now as to whether he’ll be a candidate. We’ll see.</p>