
Do grad schools give any legacy?
My Father got his Phd at Stanford, and is conducting undergraduate interviews
He also got his Mba at Columbia
Do either of these improve my chances?

Call the schools and ask.

How legacy is defined is different for each school. A quick google search will likely find the answer. If the answers are not online (and I believe they are) then you can call the school to ask. I found this on Columbia’s website in a second. http://undergrad.admissions.columbia.edu/ask/faq/question/2412

From @happy1 link

Please note: applicants are considered to be “legacies” of Columbia only if they are the children of Columbia College or Columbia Engineering graduates.

This is ABSOLUTELY true. If your parent graduated Barnard or a graduate program, they do not seem to care based on what I have seen with friends. You can ignore that first part of the link. Friend had a very competitive kid who is going to a top 10 school, got into other ivies, flat out rejected at Columbia RD.

No idea about Stanford. I think Columbia is particularly bad if you did not go to the College. Most other schools give some consideration. The way you can tell is if your parent gets a letter after you apply thanking them for your application but explaining that they cannot take all legacies. This means they will consider it.