
<p>Just thinking ahead, I probably will not have the grades to get in, so im applying to American, George Washington, BU... But how much does legacy factor in. My dad did his law school there and I really want to go there, but realistically, does it make a difference?</p>

<p>if you would like the prophets on this forum to predict your fate you’ll have to give us all your stats. It can sway you in but I don’t think it’ll help with a 3.0 (unless your dad is on the committee. A kid in my school got into cornell with a 3.0 because his mom is on the committee).</p>

<p>Usually only undergrad legacy counts towards undergrad</p>

<p>it really depends…my stats were pretty good, but not amazing (i think overall borderline for gtown). i have 2 generations of legacy and my grandfather was like, president of the new york alumni association or something like that and i was still deferred, so i don’t think legacy helps THAT much.</p>

<p>ya, i roughly have a 3.6/3.7, with APs, honors, good ECs by CC standards, and I did slightly below average for Gtown on my ACT… i guess it probably wouldn’t have nay effect</p>

<p>but honestly, don’t totally count yourself out because you never know!</p>