<p>Ok so, The common app has an essay..</p>
<p>Lehigh's supplement to the common app asks for two documents...each of about 200 words.</p>
<li>Why is lehigh a good match for you?</li>
<li><p>the other essay gives you three options...listed below...</p>
<pre><code> Did you find the courage to create a better opportunity for yourself or others? Were you able to find the voice to stand up for something you passionately supported? How did you persevere when the odds were against you?
If you founded your own college or university, what topic of study would you make mandatory for all students to study and why?
In our ever-changing society, people have defined 'equity' and 'community' in many different ways. How do you define these terms and what are the implications of equity and community for our 21st century society?
<p>Does Lehigh value one of these writing pieces anymore than the others??</p>