Length of Analytical Essay?

<p>Maybe this is something that's been established before, but I'm in the middle of writing my Analytical Essay, and I have no idea how long it should be. I'm thinking a page should be sufficient, as it is for most other essays of the type. If you're applying, how long is yours? Thanks!</p>

<p>Mine is 554 words. I'd say between 500 and 600 should be the optimum length.</p>

<p>errr...mine's 850 words about right now, but I need to do some major cutting, ideally down to 650 max. 1 page length, no more, is probably ideal.</p>

<p>lame question, but should we be citing sources in this paper?</p>

<p>it feels weird not to...</p>

<p>There's no limit. Average length is 1-2 pages. If you need more, take more, it's not like the penalize you (longest paper they've had is 12 pages, and they read it!). </p>

<p>Oh, and I'm citing the quotes I use because otherwise it's plagiarism.</p>