<p>Good for the schools I'm applying to!</p>
<p>Good for the schools I'm applying to!</p>
<p>whats considered good for stanford?</p>
<p>i got a 2230 on one sitting 780M/690R/760W and a 33 on the ACT 35R/35M/30E/30Scien</p>
<p>do i make the cut? because is see these "ranges" everywhere.. i just wish they would be straight up and say OKAY YOU NEED THIS----->_____ TO HAVE A LEGIT CHANCE OF GETTING IN.</p>
<p>wrong forum angel</p>
<p>May 07 - 2020
Oct 07 - 1970</p>
<p>Predicted 2050-2250.
Shoot me.</p>
<p>1960 lol :) taking it again in december, hope to break 2k! :)</p>
<p>Retaking in january. Hoping to get out of this group.</p>
<p>I think it's more than just SAT scores. It's everything equally. The whole student not just scores.</p>
<p>2120 ehhh</p>
<p>columbia, reach much!?</p>
<p>"The mere existence of this club, and the fact that it's less than a page (over a week since initial posting) shows the type of student that hangs around here :P"</p>
<p>You made an excellent point there. CC people are amazing. Hanging around here makes me feel like s*** since the ppl are so damned smart. Yet they inspire me to work harder.</p>
<p>1340/2000. one sitting. </p>
<p>people tell me that this is already a good score, but i can't help but think no top tier university will accept me. :( </p>
<p>i agree with 6y6y6^^. you can only go two ways on this site (if you're an average student): feel dumb and lose hope or work extremely hard to prove yourself. i for one feel the former. CC people are definitely special.</p>
<li>already took twice so im never getting out of here...english is my second language though so its not that bad wwhere im from</li>
<p>1440/2120...good luck to everyone retaking</p>
<p>1920 after three tries.</p>
<p>First try, junior year. =/</p>
<p>Took it once, and I decided immediately afterwards never to bother myself with that insanity again.</p>
<p>2170 because I suck. I WISH I got a 2200+ :( </p>
<p>My SAT II's are better though. Hopefully they can make up for my SAT score...</p>