Let the Cafe be the Cafe

And this is what I’d like to see allowed on CC (along with similar real issues we and our kids need to address). Where better than on an education loving/seeking forum to get some of the best ideas? I can easily overlook anyone saying the sky is green TBH. I suspect most can.


Ugh-----“The sky is green” is meant as an example, not literally—you STILL are not comprehending my point!!!

I will try ONE LAST TIME: This example is extreme, but what if someone accepts the existence of Santa Claus as objective fact. No matter what evidence you offer to the contrary, you will never convince that person that their position is an opinion, as opposed to fact. Some BELIEVE that video games encourage violent behavior. If you accept this as a truth and not an opinion, all the data in the world will not change your mind.

Guess I paid way too much attention in those required philosophy classes in college, or watching too much of The Good Place.

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IMO this type of post is representative of the problem…shouting, unfriendly, unwelcoming…all clearly in violation of CC TOS.

Would you be able to ignore those who believe in different facts that you do (even if they are clearly incorrect), or those who see gray areas, e.g., video games may encourage violent behavior in certain people? If not, why not? Regardless, seems easy to scroll on and/or read another thread, no?


And where I have, and will, post a note to stay on topic. :grin:

The beating a dead horse posts tend not to move the conversation in a positive direction.


I’m pretty sure I do understand what you are saying. Sorry if I can’t relate that adequately in my responses.

I’m with @Mwfan1921 in being able to ignore plenty of other things. I get a bit of practice IRL with some relatives, some neighbors, and working in a public school teaching high schoolers. :sunglasses:


Where, in the terms of service, does it say threads must always be on topic?


@Mwfan1921 , with all due respect, you do not know me at all, I am not screaming, but am trying to make an emphatic point.

In fact you are making my point for me— there is no such thing as “different facts”, just different opinions. Your position illustrates exactly why political discussion cannot be allowed here— to use the term “different facts” shows that there is a poor understanding of the difference between fact and opinion, which is the crux of my original argument.

Facts are observable, measurable, and able to be proved. Opinions are none of these.

“Someone is paid $8.00 per hour” = FACT
“$8.00 per hour pay is too little/too much”. = OPINION.

“Carbon dioxide absorbs heat, warming the atmosphere”. = FACT
“Warming the atmosphere is a good thing/bad thing.” = OPINION.

I’m done with this. Life’s too short.

An opinion, right? :wink:

If those are in a sub-forum, they’re super easy to skip if anyone didn’t want to discuss them. Personally, I find things in the cafe easy to skip too, but a sub-forum would make it very easy.


I have no issues with opinions…in fact I have asked for opinions about things like kitchen faucets and dishwashers. And books, and vacations, etc.


On the interwebs, all caps=shouting.


What I noticed was that the tone from the COVID threads spilled into other threads. Personally, I think it is difficult to read through pages of heated debate and then move over to a topic about test optional or maybe whether a certain school is worth $80K/year and remember that it is a different audience not in the cafe.


Because moderators stated it in the forums over and over and over again…


Of course I am stating an opinion. If you take my tone as snark, I am not trying to be snarky in any way. Please do not reply in snark–no snark on my end is intended.

This is your opinion------------in some circles, ALL WORDS IN CAPS = shouting, while just SOME words in caps = emphasis.

There is no Elements of Style written for the internet.

We’re only at 35 posts on this thread. Based on many of these posts, am I alone in wondering that users are making the case to @CC_Mike that the café needs more moderation, not less?

To be clear, the above is rhetorical and tongue in cheek.


There’s a lot of snark on CC. Could just read and move on, but instead, someone stops to snark it up. Sometimes others jump in also. I’ve been guilty as well. So I try to skip that post.
One of the things I have noticed is a sub-group of posters who have opinions, none of which could be rendered in fact at all. They post ad infinitum about their topic and then try to shut down others with a different opinion. Again, I try not to get caught up in that.
There should be a snark warning. Might be an emoji that keeps things in check. Make it funny. I’d say for the most part, conversation are good, they are limited as going off topic often means getting nasty as well. So often when a thread gets shut, it’s warranted.

Throwing out a thought. Andt his may be moderator H-E double toothpicks…

Could there be a “time out” from a certain thread rather than the entire forum for those who need reigning back???


They did that with the ACA thread. It helped temporarily to put the thread on a temporary pause. But it didn’t last.

I also think you have to be willing to look ahead and not back. What happened in the past might not happen now. Let’s be progressive, not regressive. New members, new management, new moderators - new opportunities to trial ideas.


Systematically, we can pause a thread or pause a user from any postings, but cannot pause a user from a certain thread.

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