Let's devise a list of reading answers

<p>novelidea, you are a god</p>

<p>aw shucks…i just came home and googled before I forgot everything! Now I have forgotten and I still need help witih the last 2 passages! We only have like 5 questions for the Yellowstone passage. CAn anyone remember anything else???</p>

<p>Joanna and Sylvia Passage:</p>

<li>How did she feel about folk songs? she like all of them</li>
<li>Her dancing was spontaneous and a contrast to her other side ( something like that)</li>
<li>What did her brothers like to do? chores</li>
<li>Something about her dad Joel’s changed financial status? Showing her that she no limits or something</li>
<li>Why does Maggie say, “if you want to see Joanna play…”? WHAT WAS THE ANSWER?</li>
<li>How did Joanna do her chores? Very well but with the hopes of doing something more meaningful later on </li>
<li>What is the purpose of the 3rd paragraph? It was something about the differences between the 2 sisters. It was NOT to introduce the differences because it talked about that in the second paragraph</li>

<p>Passage on the History of Coffee ( in 6 glasses or something)</p>

<li>when did coffeehouses become the centers of political debate? after the death of Cromwell</li>
<li>Why were coffee houses preferred over taverns? Answer was that coffeehouses were more respectable. they liked coffee shops over taverns because they were more respectable</li>
<li>Why didn’t the other business owners like Rossee? Because he threatened their business- the businessmen didnt like that coffee shop because it was competition</li>
<li>The Handbill Virtue of Coffee does NOT explain how much it cost to import the coffee</li>
<li>Purpose? the passages purpose was to give info about coffee’s history OR Evolution of Coffee in 1600’s </li>
<li>Why does he use “syrup soot” and :essences of old ashes?” ( WHAT WAS THE ANSWER? To show different opposing viewpoints. the “soot of syrup” definitely reflected a critics view of the time</li>
<li>What was the last thing the British Authorities did to exercise control? Refuse entry to spies and mischief m akers</li>
<li>Why did King Charles II not like coffeehouses? He didn’t want rumors and plots to overthrow his government

<p>Michelangelo Passage

  1. What don’t museum directors do usually? not sure
  2. Where was the drawing? the Cooper Hewitt design Museum
  3. who was Clifford?? He was the director of the Museum in Edinburg who liked to research old things???
  4. What was the city of art? New York
  5. Who owned the painting? Lord Amherst of Hackney
  6. Why didn’t people recognize the drawing as Michelangelos" Smoothing about not knowing the characteristics of his architecture??
  7. Was there something about one of the paragraphs and how they were descriptions of how rare it is to find real old Masters’ works? ( that may not have been a question)


<p>Yellowstone Passage</p>

2)heat came from molten lava
3) paragraph showed multiple characteristics
4) the surprising tone in the first paragraph was because this guy was the first to question *** was happening in yellowstone
5) all these questions were answered EXCEPT. choices: why NASA gave them photos, how wide (something like that) is supervolcano…