Let's hear from current non-STEM majors

My d is a freshman humanities kid and she has not had any classes cancelled due to low enrollment. Her classes are much smaller (10-25 kids), but that’s a huge plus! She already knows several professors quite well simply by going to class.

She says that lots of students change their mind about a major once they get to Stanford. They arrive thinking “CS or bust!” but often get intrigued by other topics once there. There really are all kinds of interests, and while STEM gets a lot of the press, the humanities are well represented and strong at Stanford.

@myyalieboy You might be interested in this article from the Stanford Daily, which appeared during Admit Weekend last week:


If you scroll down in the article, you’ll find a section called “Major Community For All Majors.”

@myyalieboy so what did they decide?

Stanford it is!

Congratulations to you both, @myyalieboy!