Let's just honest, am I completely doomed?

<p>Being on CC with a 1540 SAT is like walking into a formal affair in a bathing suit…ignore Schlaag and others that say any college that would admit a 2.54 student with 1540 would not be worth your time, they are WRONG! Work hard the next year and a half; spend your summer doing something worthwhile, take classes next year that challenge you (but not so hard that they will drop your GPA) and do some research. Education is a journey, not a achievement. You do not need a school with a pedigree to be successful. (And yes, I do think community college is an option that can work for many people but you would need to get very good grades and transfer out…)</p>

<p>You can also definitely boost your SAT score. Check out sparknotes.com preparation websites and practice a lot!
Also, you will surely be able to raise your GPA if for the next two semesters, you earn mostly As and Bs.
Don’t get upset, there are many options out there for you!</p>

<p>pulchritude: i’m not trying to come across as sassy. I’m just worrysome. Sorry if I offended you. </p>

<p>Nick0726: that’s not really the kind of college i’m interested in. thanks anyway :)</p>

<p>happymomof1: i’ll be sure to check out the parents forum, thank you. </p>

<p>Radford2017: that was very reassuring, thank you. But my counselors aren’t very encouraging. All the counselors I’ve talked to try to get me to go to community. Do you think that colleges will see my grades the first semester of senior year? I mean, report cards don’t come out until AFTER admission deadlines. But I know for sure my gpa will go up since I’m taking fairly easy classes. </p>

<p>Kennedy2010: I took the pre- ACT and got a 22. I’ll definately take the ACT as well as the SAT, but I think that I’ll do better on the SAT. </p>

<p>ucbalumnus: I just don’t WANT to go to community. Yes, I will have met my A-G requirements by the time I graduate. What majors are “un-impacted”? Does it say the the specific college’s websites?</p>

<p>dob103: Thank you, that was reassuring. My father told me the same thing. He personally went to Cal State Northridge (one of the “easiest” CSUs to get into) and got into the same medical school as kids who went to UCLA. Sure, the other doctors went to more “prestigious” schools, but in the end they all ended up doctors, period. </p>

<p>This raises another question- since my father is CSUN alumni, does that increase my chances of getting in?</p>

<p>SophieIsabel: thank you :slight_smile: they say the average kid who takes the PSAT and practices gets 170 points higher on their real SAT. I sure hope that’s me!</p>


If you follow the link given to you in post #20, you will be on a page with another link you can follow with more information about what is impacted and what is not.

The CC to UC program is called TAG. You can find a lot more info about it with a simple web search. The GPA required is usually a 3.2, although higher for some majors/campuses and a bit lower at others.</p>

<p>I’m a UC transfer and thoroughly familiar with the process. A 2.8 is really cutting it close, even for UCR. Stay above a 3.0 and you’ll get int there. As mentioned above, a few UCs require a 3.2 or 3.5 for TAG (Transfer Admission Guarantee)</p>

<p>I don’t blame you for not wanting to go to community college. You need to focus on your strengths like your work experience. Include your resume in your application and focus on your work/life experience to draw attention away from test scores. And yes, the actual test is harder than practice because of the anxiety factor. You may need to explain why your grades suffered. Best of luck to you.</p>

<p>novalord2: Oh, okay. Thank you</p>

<p>mikemac: I’ll go check out the link! </p>

<p>GlamorousGirl: Well, I do have bad ADD (diagnosed by a doctor) . Maybe mentioning that in my essay might help my chances. Or maybe it’ll make them worse… I’m not sure.
Also, I do have a strong work background. I’m the VP of my father’s corporation. Maybe that’ll help a little. I don’t have that much community service. I meet my graduation requirements, but it’s not impressive. I’ve only done 2 things- volunteering at an animal rescue and volunteering with special needs children.</p>



<p>[Impaction</a> | Student Academic Support | CSU](<a href=“http://www.calstate.edu/sas/impactioninfo.shtml]Impaction”>http://www.calstate.edu/sas/impactioninfo.shtml)</p>