Let's make a story!

<p>The banana had a big sailboat. One night the banana went to the harbor, and got assaulted by surprise. Suddenly, it was sweaty and</p>

<p>The banana had a big sailboat. One night the banana went to the harbor, and got assaulted by surprise. Suddenly, it was sweaty and needed</p>

<p>a good rub down</p>


what's up with sarorah and assaulting people? also, doesn't she say r***</p>

<p>The banana had a big sailboat. One night the banana went to the harbor, and got assaulted by surprise. Suddenly, it was sweaty and needed some</p>

<p>The banana had a big sailboat. One night the banana went to the harbor, and got assaulted by surprise. Suddenly, it was sweaty and needed some deodorant. (24 hour extra strength)</p>

i mean like pwned. not literally raped. lolz.

The banana had a big sailboat. One night the banana went to the harbor, and got assaulted by surprise. Suddenly, it was sweaty and needed a good rub down. The assaulter</p>

<p>(you guys cant just ignore posts before yours lol..krazy kids)</p>

<p>The banana had a big sailboat. One night the banana went to the harbor, and got assaulted by surprise. Suddenly, it was sweaty and needed a good rub down. The assaulter pwned sarorah, who cried: "</p>

<p>The banana had a big sailboat. One night the banana went to the harbor, and got assaulted by surprise. Suddenly, it was sweaty and needed a good rub down. The assaulter pwned sarorah, who cried: "oh! it feels so good!"</p>

<p>The banana had a big sailboat. One night the banana went to the harbor, and got assaulted by surprise. Suddenly, it was sweaty and needed a good rub down. The assaulter pwned sarorah, who cried: "oh! it feels so good!" give me the banna split!</p>

<p>The banana had a big sailboat. One night the banana went to the harbor, and got assaulted by surprise. Suddenly, it was sweaty and needed a good rub down. The assaulter pwned sarorah, who cried: "oh! it feels so good!" give me the banna split! Suddenly,</p>

<p>The banana had a big sailboat. One night the banana went to the harbor, and got assaulted by surprise. Suddenly, it was sweaty and needed a good rub down. The assaulter pwned sarorah, who cried: "oh! it feels so good!" give me the banna split! Suddenly, the banana fell.</p>


<p>sarorah, YOU CHANGED THE STORY.</p>

<p>It's supposed to be:</p>

<p>The banana had a big sailboat. One night the banana went to the harbor, and got assaulted by surprise. Suddenly, it was sweaty and needed some deodorant (24 hour extra strength). The assaulter pwned sarorah, who cried: "oh! it feels so good!" give me the banna split!</p>

<li>b u m p -</li>

<p>(10 char)</p>

<p>sorry, the story died when sarorah got pwnd by the assaulter. it got removed from the game when someone added the sexual innuendo of "oh! it feels so good!"</p>

<p>Oh. Wow. Okay. lol.</p>