Let's Play A Game!

<p>I give you some info about myself and a long college list, and you help me narrow the list down with you knowledge. :) Simple game.</p>

<p>Here's some characteristics I would like to see in the school I go to:
Mid-sized school
Major will be in either engineering, math, or computer science
Co-op interests me, but not a requirement. Also looking at doing internship if not co-op
If engineering, not really interested in 3/2 Dual Degree
Financial Aid will be needed!
School where conservative views are respected
I would like being in a large city, but I would prefer the college-town. I'm still deciding.</p>

Carnegie Mellon
Case Western Reserve
Cooper Union
Georgia Tech
Illinois IT
Iowa State
Johns Hopkins
Missouri S&T
Notre Dame
Oklahoma State (in state)
U Penn
U Rochester
Rochester IT
Rose-Hulman IT
Saint Louis
Southern Methodist
Stevens IT
Texas A&M
Trinity U-Texas
Tulsa (in state)
Virginia Tech

<p>I'm sorry it's a long list!
I don't know very much about all of these schools, so if I can get some info from you guys, I would like that.</p>

Oklahoma resident
Caucasian male
32 ACT (34-English, 34-Math, 32-Reading, 28-Science, 31-Combined Eng/Writing, 8-essay)
1880 SAT (570-CR, 720-M, 590-W, 6-essay) (only taken once. will take again next school year.)
Taking Math I and II SAT Subject Tests in June
Attending Oklahoma School of Science and Math junior and senior years (google it)
4.0 UW GPA, 4.07 W </p>

<p>Academic Team
Youth Alive
Key Club
FIRST Robotics Team (Drive Team member)(won regional and advanced to World Competition)
Varsity Swimming
JV/Varsity Alternate Tennis
Volunteered at church events, MathCOUNTS competitions, etc.
Worked in concession stand at local baseball park during summer
Worked in iPod cover business for 2 years
Will have plenty more volunteer hours when I graduate.</p>

<p>Thank you!!!!!!!! :) :)</p>

<p>The topic name is so misleading that I was have become so disappointed, I cannot begin to help you. You have tricked me. =(</p>

<p>Let’s not and say we did.</p>




<p>It looks like you can raise your SAT significantly judging by your ACT. You have so many considerations, the decision will be hard for you, and so I would suggest you do research into what specific engineering discipline(s) you may like to pursue. Added with the future suggestions you may receive on this thread, after your list has narrowed down - b/c you have so many considerations - you should try to visit as many as you can. Visiting will definitely help you make a lot of cuts.</p>

<p>Sorry kalookakoo.
Thanks EngineerHead!</p>



<p>Mid-sized school - Yes, 13,780 undergraduates, a lot fewer than many state schools</p>

<p>Major will be in either engineering, math, or computer science - Clemson is known for its engineering programs (especially, everyone’s an engineer here) and science/math programs. We’re a real technical school.</p>

<p>Co-op interests me, but not a requirement. Also looking at doing internship if not co-op - Cooperative education and internships are available. Our career center was ranked #3 in the country for job placement/services so they will help you find a co-op/internship! (I was able to find one as a freshman working as an intern with the North Carolina DOT but couldn’t do it because I wanted to take summer classes)</p>

<p>If engineering, not really interested in 3/2 Dual Degree - We have engineering majors in the fields of bioengineering, biosystems, civil, ceramic/materials, chemical, computer, electrical, environmental, industrial and mechanical engineering.</p>

<p>Financial Aid will be needed! - Are you in the top 10% of your high school class? If you are and you submit your ACT score (SAT score needs to be at least 1350), then you are eligible to pay in-state tuition (they’ll give you a scholarship to pay for the out-of-state tuition). If not, Clemson is still cheaper than many private schools.</p>

<p>School where conservative views are respected - Most people here have conservative-leaning views.</p>

<p>I would like being in a large city, but I would prefer the college-town. I’m still deciding. - We aren’t in a large city but a small town but Atlanta and Charlotte are only 2 hours away and Greenville is a fairly large city 1 hour away. We have a great college-town here. The town would not exist without the university, everything revolves around Clemson and the residents love Clemson too. We were ranked #1 by the Princeton Review for best university-town relations. </p>

<p>I’m a current civil engineering major about to enter my sophomore year at Clemson. Let me know if you have any questions about Clemson!</p>

<p>Virginia Tech is a good choice on your list as well. They receive a lot of recognition and opportunities from companies for every technical major - it’s a very technical school. Of course, all the schools you mentioned are pretty technical, though.</p>

<p>VT offers a great undergraduate experience. It’s not like UVa, which is also on your list, where there’s a much higher concentration of go-getters who will look at you as mere competition. Also, I would mark UVa off your list anyway - in comparison to VT, both same state - VT trumps UVa in the technical fields, particularly engineering. VT allows you to be surrounded by a more relax environment, unlike UVa (IMO), while still being surrounded by a lot of go-getters as well and still having a LOT of various opportunities.</p>

<p>It’s a pretty large university in a small town setting. VERY strong school moral, everyone is VERY school spirited because of the football team. Even if you’re not into football, you will be drawn into the school pride that VT has, it’s inevitable.</p>

<p>VT also has the #1 rated food in the country amongst other universities & colleges (they serve salivating steak filets, lobster, etc). Campus is BEAUTIFUL, and fairly large. Great school overall, can’t go wrong with VT.</p>

<p>Try looking here: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/financial-aid-scholarships/848226-important-links-automatic-guaranteed-merit-scholarships.html?highlight=guaranteed[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/financial-aid-scholarships/848226-important-links-automatic-guaranteed-merit-scholarships.html?highlight=guaranteed&lt;/a&gt;
Many of the schools you list will not give FA to an OOS student.</p>

<p>Few schools off your list that you’re more likely to have great interest in are:
Case Western Reserve
Georgia Tech
Notre Dame
Oklahoma State (in state)
Saint Louis
Southern Methodist
Texas A&M
Tulsa (in state)
Virginia Tech</p>

<p>I was have? When did my English become so broken? >.<"</p>

<p>Have you thought about Pitt?</p>

<p>5pencer, get those CR and W SAT scores above 650 and the perfect college for you would be :</p>


<p>I can’t speak to your other OOS publics, but I very much doubt you will get aid from GT, at least not significant aid.</p>

<p>Unless on the retake you significantly improve your SATs, I highly suggest sending ONLY ACTs.</p>

<p>Also. This wasn’t a game. I was disappointed.</p>

<p>Let’s play a game!</p>

<p>Here are your criteria:</p>

<p>Mid-sized school
Co-op/Internship available
Financial Aid will be needed!
School where conservative views are respected
College-town or Big City</p>

<p>How about you a) prioritize these criteria and then b) go through your list and choose the schools that match them, then we’ll tell you where you went wrong?</p>

<p>FWIW, with an 1880 SAT and a 28 Science ACT, places like Carnegie Mellon, UIUC (OOS), Hopkins, Notre Dame, Penn, Rice and Vanderbilt are going to be potentially big reaches.</p>

<p>Notre Dame</p>

<p>Dude, you’re golden if you don’t send that SAT. Your ACT is waaaaay better (equivalent to roughly a 2200 SAT right?). You’ll be in the hunt for every school on your original list. I would recommend Lehigh, Lafayette, and Bucknell myself.</p>

<p>^ and Virginia Tech.</p>

<p>According to [Convert</a> ACT to SAT - How to Convert SAT Scores to ACT Scores](<a href=“http://collegeapps.about.com/od/standardizedtests/a/convertSAT2ACT.htm]Convert”>Convert ACT to SAT: A 2017 Table for Score Conversion) your SAT would translate to about a 1490, which is close to 2200. Very good score - I agree, if you can’t raise the SAT then don’t send it in.</p>

Carnegie Mellon
Cooper Union
Johns Hopkins
Notre Dame
U Rochester

<p>There, I narrowed your list.</p>

<p>^ Bucknell? Cooper Union? Lafayette? Interesting selections… I wouldn’t advise those.</p>

<p>As well, you have these on the list - Lehigh, RPI, Syracuse - yet don’t have Virginia Tech? If you have Johns Hopkins up there, you should certainly have Virginia Tech up there as well. Certainly not advisable, these are not the best selections. Coolbrezze offers a much better selection to slim down from.</p>