Hello! I was wondering if anyone had any idea how much the following recognition from Intel ISEF would help when applying to top schools. (NOTE: Intel ISEF is not Intel STS).
Finalist (Qualifying for Intel ISEF)
Special Awards (Awarded by judges sent by various sponsor companies)
First, Second, Third, or Fourth in your category
Best in Category
First, Second, or Third OVERALL
How much is each of these a boost in college admissions to top schools? Also, please provide some sort of explanation as to your reasoning/how you know.
I checked boxes 1-4 this year at ISEF. My buddy Ray got the moore award (totally deserved!), and the two kids that got the other two major awards were seniors (and this almost always happens); as a result, you generally are not competing against people who have won them. Jack Andraka is a notable outlier, but he didn’t even get semis at STS so he kinda peaked early.
I actually just posted on here to sort of a get a reality check on the prestige. The response seems to be that finalist is prestigious (think a major regional/state level award), special awards are cool but you should define that they are essentially international awards (I got a Godaddy and LIYSF award!), but the grand awards are the most prestigious.
To be clear, only 25% of the 1702 finalists got a grand award. Only something like 12 of those 25% got a best of category, so you can sort of see how the prestige goes up for each level. IMO, STS finalist or Siemens national finalist (individual finalist is more prestigious, fyi) are about on the level of a first award, whereas the best of category is the equivalent of winning an award at either of the two. The overall awards are when top colleges offer you on the spot, similar to getting 1st at Siemens or STS.
Congrats! I might’ve seen you up there. I thought Nicole was a Junior? Well, that’s embarrassing as we talked quite a bit throughout the week. 
I actually just posted on here to sort of a get a reality check on the prestige.
That’s exactly what I was trying to do for my awards this year and prior. This was a really helpful comment, thanks!
Really? I’m a sophomore but I remember seeing her in a picture with some friends at the STS brunch. Oh well, maybe she had a doppleganger. If you don’t mind me asking, how have you done so far in terms of awards?
@berkinit2021, Just checked - she’s a junior. Anyway, I’d rather not go into detail as listing the awards would give a pretty clear picture of who I am, and that’s a bit much personal information to be on here for me. No worries though.