letter of explanation?

<p>I got a D+ in Theoretical Linear Algebra class. I bumped into my professor a couple of days ago and we kinda got into a conversation. I told him that I was retaking Linear Algebra, but a more applicable and non-theoretical version of my previous course. I'm also taking diff eq. And he said that I will be able to wizz through these classes with ease, and I'm feeling that way too. So I guess what the talk helped me realize is that I did in fact try very hard to understand the proofs and theories that I would've understood had I taken this prerequisite course on proofs. And the professor understood me as a good kid and a talented math student who sat in the front of the class. The course was simply not for me. Since the professor is one of my friends' dad, there's definitely a better connection between us than the average connection between a student and a college professor. (He reads my articles in the school web)</p>

<p>So I'm thinking, if I can get him to write an explanation about that D+, would that help a lot more than me trying to explain how I nearly failed a math course... <-- which would ultimately lead to the assumption of senioritis and/or incompetence?</p>

<p>bumpbumpbump READ & RESPOND POR FAVOR</p>

<p>actually nvm, I’m doing it</p>