Level 5 Writing Q's. Why?

<p>Can anyone give me an explanation as to why these two answers are correct? Both of these questions are Level 5's from a QAS. Thanks!</p>

<li><p>Vanessa had a tendency (of changing) her mind often, (so often) in fact that her friends gave up expecting her (to show up) at their parties.</p></li>
<li><p>The seven-month-old baby was considered precocious (to her family) because she was (already able) to grasp tiny items (delicately) (between her thumb) and forefinger.</p></li>

<p>I chose No Error for both of these questions. </p>

1. (of changing)
2. (to her family)</p>

<li>The idiom is “to change”:</li>

<p>Vanessa had a tendency TO CHANGE her mind often, so often in fact that her friends gave up expecting her to show up at their parties.</p>

<li>The idiom is “considered…by”</li>

<p>The seven-month-old baby was considered precocious BY HER FAMILY because she was already able to grasp tiny items delicately between her thumb and her forefinger.</p>

<p>These are tough questions, do you have any more like them?</p>

<li><p>I think you need to focus on the parrallel structure. I’m assuming ‘of changing’ should be ‘to change’? That’s my guess. </p></li>
<li><p>I think ‘to her family’ has to be ‘by her family’. Again, a guess. Lol.</p></li>