Lewis & Clark v. Gaucher

<p>My friend is having a hard time deciding between these two schools. Can anyone offer any means of comparing them? In terms of social life, academics, anything. What are the positives/negatives of each school? Thanks!</p>

<p>Has your friend visited either school?</p>

<p>We visited L&C last weekend, and I wish my son had visited Goucher. It seems that the two schools have a lot in common - study abroad, strong liberal arts, progressive attitudes, etc. My opinion is that they are both excellent schools. L&C is rated higher academically, but Gocuher is in CTCL, so the USNWR ranking is not a strong factor. </p>

<p>I think it’s more about fit, perhaps location, and also any specific program or activity your friend might be interested in.</p>

<p>L&C definitely has a “crunchy / hippie” vibe, but don’t let that fool you - the students are very engaged in their education.</p>