Liberal Arts College (Pomona) vs Big School (Stanford)

<p>Hello Everyone,</p>

<pre><code> I have applied to Pomona College, Swarthmore College, Stanford, and Yale. Assuming the best and I happen to get accepted to all four of them, which would give me the best opportunity to pursue a career in business (like in Consulting) starting at the undergraduate level? I know that most Consulting Firms will look towards Yale and Stanford only for Grad students, but I want to know which school can help me the most when it comes to getting my foot in the door of the business world.

I just want to know everyone's opinions; I know that Swarthmore and Pomona focus on the undergrads, so they're great for prepping for business school because of all the individualized attention. I also already know that students at Stanford and Yale will develop strong connections with with a lot of important people, and they also carry a strong reputation. I just want to hear which school everyone thinks is the best for preparing an undergrad.

<p>And if anyone also wants to mention this, what are the pros and cons of each school? Which ones have the greatest return on investment? I want to have a wide career pool to choose from, which school can offer that?</p>

<p>As a parent, please tell me that you have also applied to safeties, not just these 4. </p>

<p>Someone else will have to speak to the preparation for a career in business from those schools.</p>

<p>Of course, I applied and was accepted to UT Austin, Texas A&M, and am awaiting decisions from UCLA and USC.</p>

<p>You can afford UT Austin and Texas A&M, right? If so, these are your safeties if you are already admitted.</p>

<p>UCLA and USC are not generally safeties for anyone, although top end students may consider them to be matches. UCLA will also be expensive for a non-California resident.</p>



<p>Is consulting your primary target? If so, you answered your own question here (Yale).</p>

<p>Otherwise, there are various β€œfit” reasons (academic and otherwise) that someone may choose any of the eight schools you mentioned. What is the best for you depends on your goals and preferences.</p>

<p>[College</a> Confidential - Announcements in Forum : College Admissions](<a href=β€œ]College”></p>