College admissions season is objectively stressful, and arbitrarily full of pain and/or delight. I am curious about what films, video clips, anything visual and/or auditory (heck, even humorous stories or anecdotes) that may have helped anyone relieve their stress, student or parent. The funnier the better.
My hope in this post is that since so many students (and parents!) spend an inordinate amount of time on CC in March, we all need some relief. If you have a favorite video or audio moment, please share it. Let us all laugh, or cry, or joke about what is to be human. I’ve been through this process and empathize with everyone.
I remember enjoying Savage Steve Holland’s “How I Got Into College”. And by remember, I mean both watching it when I was young, and then with my son when he was applying to college recently. His initial reaction was that the emotions of students were still all too real and authentic, even for a movie more than 20 years old. Recently, I think the movie/video “Acceptance” nails a lot of student-centered anxiety, and fears of less than forthrightness (and related concepts of passion, or focus, or how do I stand out!).
So here are my offerings in a post that may not gather much interest … because admissions season:
“How I Got into College” (don’t miss the wrestling moments if the movie is even available)
“Acceptance” (on youtube, Ivy League acceptance movie). Quite brilliant.