<p>knick does sound like that england guy from a while ago.
Good facts to back up the accusation, too.</p>
<p>Did some research… okay, a lot.</p>
<p>Bloomberg is your mayor, right knicks?
I was just wondering, what was the Haiti foundation you founded (that’s raised over $700,000) which you got an award with the mayor? The $10,000 prize, is that split between two people? One of who may be you?</p>
<p>I mean, his website with all of the events he went to doesn’t seem to have the whole, “giving an award to you,” thing.</p>
<p>Just curious. I cannot seem to find anything on the first event.
I can’t find anything, but you may be able to.</p>
<p>I mean, the Daily New York doesn’t have any articles pertaining to your organization. Maybe I just skipped over a few articles. Who knows?</p>
<p>You could be the recipient of the $10,000 reward, though, because I did find two kids who split that prize money… But, that person looks too nice! Maybe you just have a split personality (in real life vs. the cyber world).</p>
<p>Wouldn’t be too good if MIT or Cornell accepted you based on false information.
Don’t want people telling them that it’s false, too. That would be horrible.</p>
<p>You’re not ■■■■■■■■ here, are you?</p>
<p>Just curious.
Just curious.</p>