<p>Supplemental Questions (SQ) Question Question Response Help Code</p>
<p>Does anyone have a grid filled out like this with more colleges? Can you add to this list.
And do you know how they each use the information differently to come up with an aid package? I found it interesting how they all want different Supplemental Questions (SQ).</p>
<p>Supplemental Questions (SQ) Question Question Response Help Code</p>
<p>Enter the year (YYYY), make, and model of your parents’ primary motor vehicle. SQ-101
Northwestern University
Yale University</p>
<p>Enter the year (YYYY), make, and model of your parents’ secondary motor vehicle SQ-104
Northwestern University</p>
<p>Does either of the student’s parents receive free housing or food as a job benefit? (If yes, be sure to include the value in PROFILE Help Code PI-210 for non-military benefits or PI-211 for military benefits.) SQ-110
Harvard College
Univ of Michigan
Univ of Chicago</p>
<p>If your parents own real estate other than their home, enter the
number of properties that they own. (Be sure to include the total value
of all the real estate and the total amount owed in PROFILE Help Code
PA-180.) SQ-111
Harvard College
Brandeis University
Massachusetts Inst of Tech
Yale University
Scripps College
Univ of Chicago
Wellesley College</p>
<p>Enter the cash value (not the death benefit or surrender value) of your
parents’ life insurance, including Permanent, Whole, Ordinary,
Universal, and Single Premium policies. If your parents have no life
insurance or ONLY Term Life Insurance, enter “0.” SQ-112
Harvard College</p>
<p>If any part of your family’s primary residence is used as rental property, enter the percent amount used as rental. (Format is whole numbers only, 0-100.) SQ-113
Wellesley College</p>
<p>Do your parents participate in a tax-deferred pension plan? (Select only one response. If yes, be sure to include the amount withheld for 2010 in PROFILE Help Code PI-190.) SQ-115
Harvard College</p>
<p>Are your parents required by their employers to contribute to their
retirement plans? (Select only one response.)
Harvard College</p>
<p>Is any person in your family the beneficiary of a Trust? No SQ-120
Wellesley College</p>
<p>Is the student applicant or the parent(s) (natural or stepparent(s)) a
designated trust or estate beneficiary, or retain any current or future
trust ownership interests? (If “yes,” please ask the named Trustee to
submit a letter to Bowdoin itemizing year-end fair market value of all
owned trust assets, as well as copies of supporting year-end bank
and/or brokerage statements, the complete trust instrument, and the
latest copy of Fiduciary Tax Form 1041, including all schedules.) SQ-121
Bowdoin College</p>
<p>Does either parent hold an interest in a corporation, partnership, or
Schedule C business? (If yes, include the value and debt owed for the
appropriate business(es) in Section BA, Parents’ Assets.) SQ-122
Harvard College
Univ of Michigan
Harvey Mudd College
Northwestern University
Scripps College
Univ of Chicago</p>
<p>Is either parent the beneficiary of a trust or estate? SQ-123
Harvard College
Univ of Michigan
Brandeis University
Amherst College
Scripps College
Univ of Chicago</p>
<p>Is any family member, except the student or parents, the beneficiary of a trust? SQ-124
Harvard College</p>
<p>Do your parents have interest in any assets held in another person’s name, including relatives and others? SQ-125
Harvard College
Scripps College
Univ of Chicago</p>
<p>Do you or your parents no longer own assets that generated income in 2010? SQ-127
Univ of Chicago</p>
<p>If your parents have money, property, or other assets in another country, enter the total value in U.S. dollars of those assets. (Include these assets in Sections PA, BA, or FA, as appropriate, of the PROFILE Application.) SQ-128
Harvard College
Univ of Michigan
Univ of Chicago</p>
<p>Enter the number of motor vehicles owned, operated, or leased by your family. SQ-131
Harvard College
Wellesley College</p>
<p>Enter the current value of any deferred compensation and/or profit sharing plan(s) held by your parents. SQ-132
Univ of Michigan</p>
<p>Are any of the investments reported by the student’s parents in PROFILE Help Code PA-120 from a partnership or corporation? No SQ-135
Harvard College
Harvey Mudd College
Univ of Chicago</p>
<p>Of the investments reported by the student’s parents in PROFILE Help Code PA-120, how much represents savings in a Section 529 college savings plan or in a Coverdell Education Savings Account? SQ-136
Univ of Chicago</p>
<p>Enter the amount of child support received by your parent during 2010 for you, the student. SQ-201
Harvard College
Univ of Chicago</p>
<p>Enter the total alimony your parent received in 2010. 0 SQ-202
Harvard College</p>
<p>Enter the total alimony your parent paid in 2010. 0 SQ-203
Harvard College</p>
<p>Enter the total your parents received in Workers’ Compensation or
other untaxed disability benefits in 2010.SQ-205
Univ of Chicago</p>
<p>Enter the current total of consumer and installment debt (money borrowed for cars, appliances, credit cards, etc.) owed by your parents. (Do not include mortgage debt or other debt already included in Sections BA, FA, or PA.) SQ-211
Harvard College
Northwestern University
Amherst College</p>
<p>Are your parents paying debt service for educational loans? No SQ-214
Harvard College</p>
<p>Enter the amount paid during 2010 for elder care. 0 SQ-302
Harvard College</p>
<p>Enter the amount your parents will contribute from income toward
your 2011-12 educational expenses. SQ-303
Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst</p>
<p>Enter the amount your parents will contribute from assets toward your 2011-12 educational expenses. SQ-304
Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst</p>
<p>If your mother has remarried, enter the date. (Response format is MMYYYY.) SQ-305
Harvard College</p>
<p>If your father has remarried, enter the date. (Response format is MMYYYY.) SQ-306
Harvard College</p>
<p>Enter your family’s religious denomination. (Your answer will be used
to determine your eligibility for private donor scholarships.) SQ-316
Oberlin College</p>
<p>Is the college authorized to discuss the family’s information with the
student or to release the family’s information to financial aid agencies
and scholarship donors providing aid to the student? SQ-318
Brandeis University
Amherst College
Oberlin College</p>
<p>If you have a parent living outside the US, enter the country name where he or she lives. SQ-320
Enter the amount paid to support any relatives not included in Section FM of the PROFILE Application. SQ-321
Harvard College
Amherst College
Stanford University
Wellesley College</p>
<p>For how many of the family members listed in PROFILE Section FM
who will be enrolled in a college or university at least half-time during
2011-12, will the applicant’s parents be expected to pay a portion of
the costs? SQ-322
Harvard College
Stanford University</p>
<p>Provide the amount(s) the applicant’s parents will contribute toward each person’s educational costs. Will either of the applicant’s parents receive W-2s for earnings during the 2010 calendar year? No SQ-323
Stanford University</p>
<p>If the student’s parent is single, separated, divorced, or widowed, does that parent share living expenses with another adult? SQ-327
Harvard College
Bard College</p>
<p>Will any dependent child reported in the Dependent Family Member
Listing (PROFILE Section FM) as enrolled in an undergraduate college
in 2011-12, graduate at mid-year? SQ-328
Bowdoin College</p>
<p>Do you and your family reside with or receive support from another party? SQ-329
Wellesley College</p>
<p>If you and your family reside with or receive support from another party, explain the living arrangements. Enter the year (YYYY), make, and model of the student’s (and spouse’s) primary motor vehicle. SQ-504
Bard College</p>
<p>Enter the total value of the student’s assets held in Uniform Gift to Minors accounts.SQ-514
Harvard College
Univ of Chicago</p>
<p>Does the student have interest in any assets held in another person’s name, including children, relatives, and others? SQ-518
Harvard College
Univ of Chicago</p>
<p>Enter the total value of assets held in Section 529 college savings plans that were established for the student by someone other than the student’s parent(s). SQ-521
Bowdoin College
Scripps College
Univ of Chicago</p>
<p>Enter the total value of assets held in Section 529 prepaid tuition plans that were established for the student by someone other than the student’s parent(s). SQ-522
Bowdoin College
Scripps College
Univ of Chicago</p>
<p>Enter the estimated amount that will be withdrawn for the student for the 2011-12 academic year from Section 529 prepaid tuition plans established for the benefit of the student. SQ-523
Univ of Chicago</p>
<p>Of the amounts reported in PROFILE Help Codes SA-100 and SA-110, approximately how much of the total cash, savings, and investments was provided by your parents? SQ-524
Columbia University
Northwestern University
Massachusetts Inst of Tech
Yale University
Amherst College
Univ of Chicago
Wellesley College</p>
<p>Of the amounts reported in PROFILE Help Codes SA-100 and SA-110, approximately how much of the total cash, savings, and investments was provided by relatives other than your parents?SQ-525
Columbia University
Yale University
Amherst College
Univ of Chicago</p>
<p>Of the amounts reported in PROFILE Help Codes SA-100 and SA-110, approximately how much of the total cash, savings, and investments was from your (the student’s) part-time or summer employment earnings? SQ-526
Columbia University
Massachusetts Inst of Tech
Amherst College
Univ of Chicago</p>
<p>Enter the total expenses associated with the student’s 2010 summer employment. Include room and board, transportation, and related clothing expenses. SQ-623
Columbia University
Massachusetts Inst of Tech</p>
<p>Enter the amount of money and support the student received from the noncustodial parent during the 2010-11 school year. SQ-630
Harvard College</p>
<p>Enter the amount of money and support the student expects to receive from the noncustodial parent during the 2011-12 school year. SQ-631
Harvard College
Amherst College
Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst</p>
<p>Enter the student’s proposed major field of study. SQ-721
Stanford University</p>
<p>Enter the student’s career objective. SQ-723
Stanford University</p>
<p>Will you be covered by your family medical insurance while at Wellesley College? SQ-736
Wellesley College</p>
<p>If your sister attends or has attended Wellesley College, enter her first name and year of graduation. (If this does not apply, enter “Does not apply.”) SQ-743
Wellesley College</p>
<p>Is the college authorized to release the student’s (and spouse’s) financial and/or academic information to outside agencies and scholarship donors? SQ-777
Brandeis University
Univ of Chicago
Oberlin College</p>
<p>Is the college authorized to discuss the family’s information with the student or to release the family’s information to financial aid agencies and scholarship donors providing aid to the student? As part of this release, is the college authorized to release to the student upon
request any form containing parental financial information (including the parents’ tax form(s))? SQ-779
Columbia University</p>
<p>Enter the student’s religious affiliation. (Optional – for restricted scholarship eligibility determination.) SQ-790
Oberlin College</p>
<p>Please enter the student’s cell phone number. (Response format is XXXXXXXXXX, e.g. 5551231234) SQ-829
Massachusetts Inst of Tech</p>
<p>Enter the first (1st) choice college/university the student plans to attend during the 2011-12 academic year. If applicable, specify campus (e.g. University of Hawaii at Manoa). SQ-851
Univ of Michigan</p>
<p>Enter the second (2nd) choice college/university the student plans to attend during the 2011-12 academic year. If applicable, specify campus (e.g. University of Hawaii at Manoa). SQ-852
Univ of Michigan</p>
<p>Enter the third (3rd) choice college/university the student plans to attend during the 2011-12 academic year. If applicable, specify campus (e.g. University of Hawaii at Manoa). SQ-853
Univ of Michigan</p>