List of Top, Prestigious Awards

AP Awards aren’t really awards as much as recognition of your already visible stats.

yeah but i think they’re still nice to have^

Where would AP Scholar with Distinction be?

HonorsCentaur: Probably around a 3-5, depending on the quality of the scores you received.

3 3’s and 2 5’s
so i’m guessing around a 3. awesome, thanks!

no problem

Hey does anyone know any prestigious awards in Canada? Thanks

prestigious awards in canada don’t exist.

How do you get recognized for President’s Scholar? When do they announce those?

is the presidential medal for volunteering still in existence with the change in administrations??(the one where you get recognized for 500 or 1000 hours of service)

what about Congressional Awards Gold Medal?

^learn to read

anybody know if the presidential medal for volunteering is still in existence?

let’s say the medal won in IPHO/ICHO/IMO/IBO is not a gold but a silver, will that be a 8/9 or still a 10?

Making it to an international olympiad is in itself a 10. Getting a medal is a 10.

Not true. Depends on the country.

OK, so I just found out today that my essay was selected as one of just over 1,000 finalists in this prestigious international competition. It has over 50,000 entrants participating annually from countries in the British Commonwealth… how would this achievement rank on the 1-10 scale?

^Do you have a link?

What is meant by NAQT winners (which is a seven on that list)? Anyone who gets a trophy (top 26)? Because in that case, I was only two places away…:frowning:

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@ proletariat2: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

I’m unsure of how much of a difference being a finalist in this competition will make… thoughts, anybody?

Who is misguiding all of you to assume that these “awards” are the be-all-end-all of your college applications. There are countless HS students applying to colleges with the exact same awards. If everyone has them, what makes them so special. It is just extra “fluff” to put on your application. I didn’t know about 75% of these so-called “awards” and I got into Berkeley just fine without it. If you put half the energy in your school work as you do in this thread then maybe you wouldn’t have to worry about these frivolous awards.