List of Top, Prestigious Awards

what about junior olympics for any sport?

@qgroup: most likely a 4 or 5, depending on the size. The math awards that will earn 7+ are part of the AMC series of contests and research competitions.

I’d say it depends on the sport. In my local area, for example, Junior Olympics for swimming is a regional competition. Junior Olympics for Karate is a national competition, but it means beating a field of perhaps seven people. On the other hand, Junior Olympics for cross country skiing requires training a good 350-400 hours per year and being one of the best skiers in the country.

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10 - D1 athlete, IMO/IPHO/ICHO/IBO medals, Intel (top 10), Siemens National Winner/National Finalists, ISEF top 3 Grand Prize, Published in Nature or Science
9 - Siemens Westinghouse (finalists), MOP, Intel Finalist, NFL Nationals winner (speech and debate), RSI
8 - TASP, USPhO/USChO/USABO/USAMO/USACO national finalist (inclusive of USAMO qualification), Siemens Semi-finalists/ISEF(1-4 places), Intel semifinalist, Running your own <em>successful</em> business, AMC Perfect Score, Presidential Scholar, Davidson Fellow, Presidential Scholar of the Arts, Scholastic Art & Writing Portfolio Gold Award
7 - Selective summer programs or competitions, such as SSP, Clark Summer Program, YESS, NIH Research, and MITES. ARML top score, Scholastic Art & Writing National Silver or Gold Medal. NFL Nationals qualifier (speech and debate), Congressional Award Gold Medalist, YES Competition (Young Epidemiology Scholarship) Top 4.
6 - USPhO/USChO/USABO/USACO semifinalist, Science Olympiad National medals, Congressional Award Silver Medalist, Science Bowl/Ocean Science Bowl/NAQT winners
5 - National Latin Convention 1st Places Academic Contests, All-Eastern/all-regional music, National History Day winner, AIME, AMC 12 school winner
4- Perfect Score (Multiple Years) on National Latin Exam, or other languages, some state awards (all-state music, etc), Science Olympiad state medals (depending on what state you’re from), USAMTS Gold, National History Day, JETS TEAMS National Finalist or Regional winner, MUN Gavel
3 - All-County music, winning at local/regional science fairs, Eagle Scout, National Merit
2 - Bank of America Awards, most local awards/trophies (art, music, community - although they will say something about your character), Essay Contests, State History Day
1 - National Honor Society, Beta Club, School Departmental Awards, School Honor Roll, Key Club, CSF, Interact Club
0 - Who’s Who, National Honor Roll, National Society of High School Scholars

Does anyone want to rate Boy’s Nation on this? Maybe a 6?

Yeah, could someone please add some input into a rating for boys/girls nation or high positions in state like governor/lieutenant governor

^Not an award.

10 - Olympic Gold Medal

^already been said (and ignored because that’s not going to happen anytime soon)

9 (or 10)-solo performance at Carnegie Hall

Hmm I’m assuming semi-finalist at NFL Nationals would be something like an 8 though? Do you think colleges know the difference between more competitive events like Extemporaneous speaking and “supplementary” events like Impromptu in the NFL? What about say the California state tournaments? I think just qualifying should be a 6, not 7. Sorry.

Also, what about the House and Senate Page programs? I would rank them at least a 5.

I’m not sure how qualified I am to answer this, but my guess is the following

  1. Rating a qualifier at 7 is overvaluing that award because 3200 people (the size of my high school) qualify and you only have to win/get second in your district not your state. Also, there are many other competitions like TOC and ______ College Tournament, so NFL isn’t the only national recognition for debaters.
  2. They probably have seen enough of it that they know the different events
  3. As such, I would say qualifier 6, semifinalist 7, finalist 8, and I agree with winner at 9.
    Please anyone, feel free to disagree, I’m not so sure of this as is :slight_smile:

House and Senate page programs are prestigious and no doubt a great experience. A friend of mine was a House page and he ran into Felipe Calderon and other interesting figures. It didn’t hurt that his Rep. was Speaker of House. However, some students may get into through connections etc. So it really depends.

I don’t think just qualifying in Cal. state tourneys for NFL is even a 6. A lot of events here are inflated with the exception of the 9-10 categories. Semis at NFL Nationals is a huge accomplishment but I doubt it’d be an 8. Of course, I’m no expert and could be wrong.

Why is it that only the Science related awards are at the top?

State AP Scholar ftw…

Unfortunately Indiana’s a beast state so that’ll be hard to get…

how bout being published in a science journal?

also math olympiads are much more competitive and famous with higher standards, and it’s nothing you will learn in school,

IMO Gold Medalist and ARML 1st place

Where would being a state officer in a career & technical student organization (FBLA, FFA, FCCLA, DECA, etc.) be?

^This is supposed to be a ranking for awards, not leadership positions

USAMO > SIemens and Intel semi hands down… do u guys have any idea how hard to make USAMO???

plus the math awards are objective not subjective…if you can do the problems and get them right you win…as opposed to the science ones which do have subjectivity in them (i have kids who compete in both)