List of Top, Prestigious Awards

How does a national medal at Science Olympiad rank?

Where would we place publication of a creative piece in a national/professional literary journal (as opposed to one geared toward “young writers” or one that requests “teen submissions”)?

How would winning gold and silver in five events at state science olympiad (in one year) look? Do I get combo points for pwning up so much?

I also technically got best on team for ARML one year, but my score was like a 3 or a 4, lol. Does that qualify as a “top score”, or does that refer to a perfect 6 or whatever?

Where are minority (URM) awards like National Hispanic Recognition Finalist or National Achievement? Would like to think this is pretty weighty (though it was very easy to achieve, mostly just the luck of being a minority)

Where would the Siemens Awards for Advanced Placement (state and national level) fall on the scale?

i think that would be a 5 and this is my reasoning:
lots of people could achieve this, just like they could get a great score on the latin exam.the 6-10 scores come from a higher level of study,talent and selectivity
just one person’s opinion however!

i think i can reach ur 3 and 7 by the end of 2011:D
and something of worth of an 8

Where would the National AP award fall?

yeah what rank would national AP award if you got it after junior year? Also how does AP awards compare to National Merit awards?

so many questions…so few answers…

how do^** :)))

How would being a Lt. Governor of Key Club (for the whole district) be ranked as…4, 5, or 6?

Also, which is easier: chemistry olympiad or biology olympiad (just to get to semifinalist status)

Any comments appreciated!!

Where would the Summer Program for High School Students at Columbia University rank?

For Bio vs Chem olympiads, it depends on the school you go to.
Chem is top 2 in school, so the quality of semifinalists can vary widely
Bio is judged nationally ~10% make semis

Chem is not necessarily only top 2 in school. They do have regional cutoffs; not all top 2 people from the school advance to the national level exam, so it isn’t drastically different from the way the Biology Olympiad is judged.

I’d say a 6 because there are so few selected each year. What happened to Prudential? About 250 every year are distinguished Finalists(bronze medal), 2 from each state finalists(silver medal) & 10 chosen from entire country as gold medalists. Also you are not competing against people from your grade only- all 9-12th compete equally. Also feel that All State chorus/music should rate much higher than All District. In our state All State auditions are much more difficult than MENC & ACDA Regional & National Choruses.

I was referring to Boy’s or Girl’s Nation as a 6.

USAMO should not be on the same platforum as USAPhO, USACO, etc…, and USAMTS is not as well known, however it’s much much much more difficult than the AIME even,

Is AMC 12 School winner still the same level of prestigiousness even though the student didn’t make AIME? And is Columbia SHP level 5-6?

^Not at all, no one cares about that award, although it does say you did well perhaps in a lower functioning school hence neighborhood, perhaps URM? but no, someone getting into AIME has more prestige…1% VS 5-10%?